Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation
Traffic Mirroring
For this reason, ProCurve strongly recommends that you first configure the
exit switch in a remote mirroring session, as described in “2. Configure a
Mirroring Destination on a Remote Switch” on page B-50 and “3. Configure a
Mirroring Session on the Source Switch” on page B-52, before you apply a
mirroring service policy on a port or VLAN interface.
The following restrictions apply to a mirroring service policy:
■ Only one mirroring policy is supported on a port or VLAN interface.
■ If you apply a mirroring policy to a port or VLAN interface on which a
mirroring policy is already configured, an error message is displayed. The
new policy does not overwrite the existing one. To apply a new policy, you
must first remove the existing policy with the no interface service-policy in
or no vlan service-policy in command.
■ A mirroring policy is supported only on inbound traffic.
Because only one mirroring policy is supported on a port or VLAN interface,
ensure that the policy you want to apply contains all the required classes and
actions for your configuration.
To apply a mirroring policy on a port or VLAN interface, enter one of the
following service-policy commands from the global configuration context.
Context: Global configuration
Syntax: interface <port-list > service-policy <policy-name > in
Configures the specified port(s) with a mirroring policy that
is applied to inbound traffic on each interface.
Separate individual port numbers in a series with a comma;
for example, a1, b4, d3. Enter a range of ports by using a dash;
for example, a1-a5.
The mirroring policy name you enter must be the same as
the policy name you configured with the policy mirror
command in Step 2.
Syntax: vlan <vlan-id > service-policy <policy-name > in
Configures a mirroring policy on the specified VLAN that is
applied to inbound traffic on the VLAN interface.
Valid VLAN ID numbers range from 1 to 4094.
The mirroring policy name you enter must be the same as
the policy name you configured with the policy mirror
command in Step 2