Redundancy (Switches 8200zl)
Existing CLI Commands Affected by Redundant Management
Command Action
Boot active Boots the active management module. The switch starts to
boot from the default flash image. You can select which
image to boot from during the boot process itself. See Figure
15-22. The switch will switchover to the standby
management module. If a second management module is not
present in the switch, the system is rebooted.
Boot standby Boots the standby management module. The switch does not
If the standby module is not present, this message displays:
“The other management module is not present.”
boot system [flash <primary |
boot set-default flash
<primary | secondary>
Boots both the active and standby management modules.
You can specify the flash image to boot from.
Sets the default flash for the next boot to primary or
secondary. You will see this message:
“This command changes the location of the default boot. This
command will change the default flash image to boot from
<flash chosen>. Hereafter, ‘reload’ and ‘boot’ commands will
boot from <flash chosen>. Do you want to continue [y/n]?”
You can select a boot profile during the reboot process, as shown in Figure
15-22. If you make no selection, the boot defaults to the imaged displayed as
the default choice (shown in parentheses).
Boot Profiles:
0. Monitor ROM Console
1. Primary Software Image
2. Secondary Software Image
Select profile(primary): 2
Booting Secondary Software Image...
Figure 15-22. The Management Module Rebooting, Showing Boot Profiles to Select
An example of the boot command with the default flash set to secondary is
shown in Figure 15-23.