
Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation
Traffic Mirroring
Configuring a Source Switch in a Local Mirroring Session. For a local
mirroring session, enter the mirror port command on the source switch to
configure an exit port on the same switch. To create the mirroring session,
use the information gathered in “1. Determine the Mirroring Session and
Destination” on page B-49.
Syntax: mirror < 1 - 4 > port < exit-port-# > [name < name-str >]
no mirror < 1- 4 >
This command assigns the exit port to use for the specified
mirroring session, and must be executed from the global
configuration level.
The no form of the command removes the mirroring session
and any mirroring source previously assigned to that
session. To preserve the session while deleting a mirroring
source assigned to it, refer to the no command descriptions
under “4. Configure the Monitored Traffic in a Mirror
Session” on page B-55.
< 1 - 4 >: Identifies the mirroring session created by this
command. (Multiple sessions on the switch can use the
same exit port.)
name < name-str >: Optional alphanumeric name string used
to identify the session (up to 15 characters in length).
port < exit-port-# >: Exit port for mirrored traffic in the remote
session. This is the port to which a traffic analyzer or IDS
is connected.
Configuring a Source Switch in a Remote Mirroring Session. For a
remote mirroring session, enter the mirror remote ip command on the source
switch to configure a remote destination switch for a mirroring session on the
source switch. The source IP address, UDP port number, and destination IP
address, that you enter must be the same values that you entered with the
mirror endpoint ip command in “2. Configure a Mirroring Destination on a
Remote Switch” on page B-50.
Caution After you configure a mirroring session with traffic-selection criteria and a
destination, the switch immediately starts to mirror traffic to the destination
device connected to each exit port. In a remote mirroring session which uses
IPv4 encapsulation, if the remote (endpoint) switch is not already configured
as the destination for the session, its performance may be adversely affected
by the stream of mirrored traffic. For this reason, ProCurve strongly recom-
mends that you configure the endpoint switch in a remote mirroring session