Redundancy (Switches 8200zl)
Existing CLI Commands Affected by Redundant Management
ProCurve(config)# boot set-default flash secondary
This command changes the location of the default boot. This command will
change the default flash image to boot from secondary. Hereafter,
‘reload’ and ‘boot’ commands will boot from secondary. Do you want to
continue [y/n]? y
ProCurve(config)# show flash
Image Size(Bytes) Date Version Build #
----- ---------- -------- ------- -------
Primary Image : 7476770 03/15/07 K.12.XX 64
Secondary Image : 7476770 03/15/07 K.12.XX 64
Boot Rom Version: K.12.02
Default Boot : Secondary
ProCurve(config)# boot
This management module will now reboot from secondary and will become
the standby module! You will need to use the other management module's
console interface. Do you want to continue [y/n]?
Figure 15-23. Example Showing boot Command with Default Flash set to Secondary
Caution For a given reboot, the switch automatically reboots from the startup-config
file assigned to the flash (primary or secondary) being used for the current
reboot. The startup-default command can be used to set a boot configuration
policy. This means that both the flash image and one of the three configuration
files can be specified as the default boot policy. For more information on
multiple configuration files and how they are used, see “Multiple
Configuration Files” in the “Switch Memory and Configuration” chapter in
this guide.
Setting the Default Flash for Boot
You can set which flash image to boot from as the default image on boot by
using this command:
Syntax: boot set-default flash <primary | secondary>
Sets the flash image to boot from on the next boot.
primary: Boots the primary flash image.
secondary: Boots the secondary flash image.
Figure 15-24 shows an example of the output when the command is used to
set the boot default to secondary flash.