72 DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02
4. Operation
Quick Function Reference
Use the following table to quickly access the proper menu for a specific function. Both
hyperlinks and page numbers are provided.
Table 4-1. DX-700 Quick Function Reference Table
How to: Use the Following: Page
Adjust clip to sub-black Adjusting Image Processing Parameters 115
Adjust color space
Adjusting Viewport Settings 114
Adjust display brightness
Using the Front Panel Display Adjustments Menu 145
Adjust image freeze
Adjusting Video Effects 119
Adjust image polarity
Adjusting Video Effects 119
Adjust image processing
Adjusting Image Processing Parameters 115
Adjust image strobe
Adjusting Video Effects 119
Adjust image to monochrome
Adjusting Video Effects 119
Adjust input balance
Adjusting Input Balance 118
Adjust input brightness
Adjusting Image Processing Parameters 115
Adjust input contrast
Adjusting Image Processing Parameters 115
Adjust input H position
Adjusting Input Timing 121
Adjust input H total
Adjusting Input Timing 121
Adjust input hue
Adjusting Image Processing Parameters 115
Adjust input opacity
Adjusting Video Effects 119
Adjust input size and position
Using the Input Wizard 93
Adjust input pixel phase
Adjusting Input Timing 121
Adjust input RGB brightness
Adjusting Input Balance 118
Adjust input RGB contrast
Adjusting Input Balance 118
Adjust input saturation
Adjusting Image Processing Parameters 115
Adjust input sharpness
Adjusting Image Processing Parameters 115
Adjust input timing
Adjusting Input Timing 121
Adjust input V Position
Adjusting Input Timing 121
Adjust input view port
Using the Input Wizard 93
Adjust luma tracking
Adjusting Image Processing Parameters 115
Adjust RGB color key values
Adjusting Color Effects 120
Adjust RGB threshold and mask values
Adjusting Color Effects 120
Adjust video effects
Adjusting Video Effects 119