174 DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02
Output Specifications
The tables below list specifications for two different DX-700 output modules:
• DVI Output Module
• NNI Output Module
The table below lists DX-700 DVI output module specifications.
Table A-2. DX-700 DVI LED Output Module Specifications
Parameter Detail Specification
Output Module Legacy Supports existing Barco LED tile arrays
Connectors 3 x DVI-I
Maximum resolution
per output
Up to 2048 either horizontally or vertically. Maximum active area:
480,000 pixels (e.g., 600 x 800)
Legacy output module Supports all necessary voltages and startup sequences as per
Barco specifications.
The DVI-I connectors on the DVI output module use
proprietary signals and pinouts.
Do not connect the output of a DVI output module to anything
other than the input of a Barco DVI LED tile. Even though the
connector is a DVI-I type connector, it is not a DVI signal, and
serious damage could result if, for example, the output was
plugged into a DVI-type monitor.