186 DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02
Remote Commands
The following topics are discussed in this section:
• Command Structure
• Establishing Communications
The following topics are discussed in this section:
• Overview
• Update/Set Command Format
• Query Command Format
• DX-700 Response to Commands
• Important Notes
Please note the following important points regarding command structure:
• Byte values permitted as fields in this protocol are from 0x20 – 0xff. Other values
(0x00 – 0x1f) are reserved or used as
End Of Command/Response characters.
• Delimiter between fields in the protocol is the “|” character (0x7c.) The delimiter
character can only occur in a command as a delimiter. Therefore, no string can
have the “|” character.
• A backslash character (0x5c) does not indicate an escape character. A backslash
character will simply be interpreted as a backslash character.
Generally, there are two types of commands:
• An update/set command is one that is sent to the DX-700 to update its state.
• A query command is one that will result in the DX-700 returning information
about its current state.
An update/set command format is as follows (each field in the command is delimited by a
“|” character (0x7c.) The user will use a single “\n” character (0x0a) to indicate
End of
to the DX-700:
<command>|<param1>|<param2>| … <param n><end of command byte>
The command is always the first field. No delimiter necessary prior to the command field.
All other fields are used as parameters for the command (refer to the “
DX-700 Remote
Command List” section on page 191 for specifics on each command.) Some commands
do not have any parameters. Each parameter is separated by the delimiter byte.