DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 21
About the DX-700
Please note:
• When using DVI output modules, the maximum output resolution (e.g., 2048 x
1080) is achieved with two DVI output modules. With NNI output modules, only
one module is required.
• In a dual-bank system, two canvases are available for use — but each bank does
not have knowledge of the other bank’s configuration.
The DX-700 includes two special “wizards” that facilitate the overall setup:
• When you run the Setup Wizard, the DX-700 detects all tiles that are connected
to each output module, and then takes you through the output setup and grouping
steps. Once each output is set up, the DX-700 places its rectangular “pixel
region” on the canvas. At the conclusion of the Setup Wizard, you can
automatically enter the Input Wizard.
• When you run the Input Wizard, the DX-700 asks you to choose an output,
choose an input module, and then choose a specific input. Next, the system leads
you through the setup and scaling steps. When complete, you will store a
“preset,” and then repeat the procedure for all remaining inputs.
If the Setup Wizard is used, the placement of output “regions” on the canvas is automatic.
If Director Toolset is used, outputs can be placed anywhere on the canvas. The DX-700
starts output placement at coordinate H0, V0, and continues by placing each subsequent
region based on the previous output’s horizontal width and vertical size — without
overlapping, and without leaving gaps. If the DX-700 can’t place output regions adjacent
horizontally, it attempts to place them vertically. This canvas placement is visible on the
monitor output.
Output modules have a limited pixel capacity per output, as outlined in the following two
For DVI output modules, each output is limited to the following parameters:
• A rectangular shape
• Up to 480,000 pixels
• Any orientation up to 2048 pixels on a side
A DX-700 “preset” is a non-volatile file that stores bank-
specific configurations for all inputs and outputs, including
LED wall settings.
If the DX-700 determines that the canvas’ available pixel
space will be exceeded, you are asked to use the Director
Toolset for further configuration. Similarly, if “creative” LEDs
are used (such as MiTRIX and MiSTRIP), you will also be
asked to use the Director Toolset.