2-4 Operating Tasks 600716 Rev A
Migration policy parameters are configurable on a DataClass
group basis, which provides the FileServ administrator with
control over the behavior of the FileServ system. The minimum
time required on disk before migration and file cleanup action
are examples of DataClass migration policy parameters. Quotas
for media usage (both a soft warning limit and a hard limit) are
also kept on a DataClass group basis. DataClass group
parameters are recorded so that tuning is accomplished while
the FileServ system is active.
FileServ uses DataClass groups as the means to segregate files
on media. All files on media are of the same DataClass group.
This provides a level of physical security for those sites for
which it is required. This segregation ensures that retrieval of
files from different user groups (as defined by the DataClass
group parameters) does not require access of the same physical
Characteristics of DataClass groups are established and
modified so that data is handled differently among DataClass
groups. Initially, configuring or changing the parameter settings
for DataClass groups involves DataClass manipulation. This
allows flexible handling of data to suit the user’s needs.The
table below lists the tasks performed on DataClass groups:
Topic Page
Modify Group with fsmodclass Command 2-5
Rename Group with fsclassrnm Command 2-6
Remove Group with fsrmclass Command 2-7
Generate Reports with fsclassinfo Command 2-7