Administrative Tasks
P-6 Preface 600716 Rev A
The publications described in the table below are created and
distributed on an as-needed basis.
To make corrections or to comment on FileServ publications,
please contact Software Technical Publications at our email
address: swpubs@adic.com.
Secured Web
To receive access to the secured site on our home page
containing technical product information, send email to
swpubs@adic.com and include your: name, company, address,
telephone number, fax number, FileServ serial number (or enter
“reseller” if you are not a customer), and your email address. In
return, we will send you instructions and a password.
Related Publications Description
“Release Notes” For each version of FileServ, the “Release Notes” contain:
• Summary of enhancements.
• Describes:
- Known problems.
- Installation and configuration issues.
• Lists:
- Operating system patches.
- System requirements.
“Product Alerts” Informs customers of technical problems and solutions.
“Product Bulletins” Conveys technical information — not problems — to