600716 Rev A Operating Tasks 2-47
Operaitng Tasks
The fsretrieve command usually retrieves the primary copy
of the file requested. If the primary copy is inaccessible or
corrupted, the command defaults to the secondary copy.
Completion status returns when the files are successfully copied
onto disk. The
fsfileinfo command can be used to
determine if a file is on tape, disk, or both.
The file in the migration directory is associated with its media
copy. When the file on disk is modified, but has not been stored
to media again, the version on the media is invalidated and
cannot be retrieved from the media with the
The file version that resides on disk is always assumed to be the
current version. If the file is removed from disk using the UNIX
rm command, the file is logically deleted from the media.
The file data still resides on media, but it is no longer tracked
and can only be retrieved from the trashcan using the
fsundelete command. This retrieval is valid until fsclean
is used to purge the trashcan.
When the UNIX rm command is used to remove a file, only the
Primary copy of the file can be recovered with the fsundelete
command. The
rm command removes the Secondary copy of
the file from the database.