Administrative Tasks
1-38 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
CLASS_DEF_MEDIA_TYPE DLT Default media type (D2S, D2M, D2L,
DLT, 3480, 3490, 3490E, 3590,8590).
Depending on the platform used or a
manual system, modify the default to
media used. The number can also be
modified for an existing class by using
the fsmodclass command.
CLASS_FILE_SPAN N Default flag to allow file spanning media
(Y or N).Thevaluecanalsobemodified
for an existing class by using the
fsmodclass command.
CLASS_FILE_CLUSTER N Default flag to allow file clustering
(Y or N).Thevaluecanalsobemodified
for an existing class by using the
fsmodclass command.
CLASS_MAX_COPIES 2 Maximum number of copies allowed,
including the primary copy. A maximum
number of two copies is allowed for the
current version of FileServ. The number
by using the fsmodclass command.
CLASS_DEFAULT_COPIES 1 Total number of copies stored to media
for each file in a class. Must not exceed
CLASS_MAX_COPIES. The number can also
be modified for an existing class by using
the fsmodclass command. The default
can be modified for a file by using the
fschfiat command, although the
number must not exceed
Parameter Default Definition