2-68 Operating Tasks 600716 Rev A
Media List The fsmedlist command or Media List screen produces a
list of all the media, or the media in a particular DataClass
group. If the class is not specified, the report lists information
for media in all DataClass groups and media in the general
blank pool.
Step 1. Run the
fsmedlist command and specify the
appropriate options.
Step 2. An example of the short report is shown below:
3773 Active Mon Dec 7 16:58:11 1998 ???/xxx : Parent_Unknown
3773 Active Mon Dec 7 16:58:13 1998 ???/yyy : Parent_Unknown
3773 Active Mon Dec 7 16:58:16 1998 ???/zzz : Parent_Unknown
Because a single piece of media can be in more than one
category, the sum of media in all categories is not likely to
match the total number of media in the class.
% fsmedlist -c testclass
Media List Report Mon Jan 18 10:46:42 1999
Class ID
Drive Slot Trans Exit Out Blank Prot Avail Susp Mark Total
02000 10 112002
FS0000 18 02946 fsmedlist completed: Command Successful.