600716 Rev A Operating Tasks 2-67
Operaitng Tasks
Step 1. Run the fsmedinfo command and specify one or
more media identifiers to report.
Step 2. Use the -l option to obtain a long report. An
example of the output is shown below:
Step 3. If the parent of an individual file cannot be found,
the report shows question marks for the path and
indicates that the parent is unknown. An example of
this output is shown below. If this situation occurs,
perform an audit (
fsaudit) on the file system.
% fsmedinfo -l feu002
Media Information Report Tue Jan 26 17:32:44 1999
Media ID: feu002(1) (1 = primary, 2 = secondary)
Media Type: D2 Small
Storage Area: MAN_AREA1
Storage Area: VolServ
Class ID: document Bytes Used: 15,000,000
Last Accessed: 03-feb-1999 16:31:44 Space Remaining:
Media Status: AVAIL Percent Used: 0.06
Write Protect: N Suspect Count: 0
Mark Status: UNMARKED Mount Count: 3
Dir File: VALID Threshold Count: 0
Medium Location: SLOT/BIN Manufacturer:
Formatted Y Batch ID:
Number of Files: 4
External Location: N/A
File system </arch1> is unmounted.
File system </arch3> is unmounted.
All monitored filesystems must be mounted to show ā-lā output.
FS0000 26 68309 fsmedinfo completed: Command Successful.
File Size Status Modify/Delete Date File Pathname