Administrative Tasks
1-44 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
Media Stats
The following list shows parameters that can be modified as
required, to collect media statistic information for each site.
FileServ must be cycled to pick up changes to these parameters.
Logging Parameters The following list shows parameters that can be modified, as
required, to choose logging levels for each site. FileServ must
be cycled for to affect changes. These parameters are used for
trace logging.
If trace logging is enabled through the FSLOG_OPTIONS
parameter, logs are sent to the trace log files. If trace logging is
disabled, then all trace-level logs are discarded.
Parameter Default Definition
TSC_LOG_MASK e Enables or disables various priorities of the tape
statistic logging. The following values can be used
in any combination:
• e = error priority (always logged)
• h = history priority
Parameter Default Definition
e Enable the trace logging facility to the
/FS_HOME/syslog/trace directories.
• e = enable trace logging.
• - = no trace information is logged.
FS_LOG_LEVEL YYYYYYYYY Controls which dynamic technical support logs are
sent to the fs_ATAC_11 file.
• NNNNNNNN = OFF levels 12-20
• YYYYYYYY = ON levels 12-20