600716 Rev A Operating Tasks 2-33
Operaitng Tasks
The filesize.config file as shown in the example below, is
read each time a list of files is received for storage. This file is
dynamic and enables the system administrator to make changes
without recycling FileServ.
#This is a FileServ file for placing files on different
#media types based on the size of the files themselves.
#Any line that starts with a “#” is considered a comment
#Each entry should have the following, in order, and blank
# - Class name (up to 16 characters)
# - Copy Number (1-2, *: all copies))
# - file size range and media type
# - Valid mediatypes: D2S, D2L, D2M, 3490, 3490E, and 3480
#All the above sizes are in millions of bytes
# * - Indicates all other unspecified sizes.
# NOTE: Specified ranges may intersect one another however the
# mediatype is determined by parsing the text line from left to
#The following is a sample line which has been commented out
#myclass 1 0-30:3480 30-1000: 25-*:D2S
#myclass 2 0-50:3480 50-1000: 20-*:D2S
#myclass1 * 0-25: 30-1000:D2S 25-2500:D2M *-*:D2L
#myclass2 * 30-1000:D2S
#The default is the mediatype specified in the class.
doc_test 1 0-25:D2S 30-1000:3480 Example only