Administrative Tasks
600716 Rev A Trouble- shooting Tools 4-23
In the example for media 000005, the amount of
wasted space is 92.46 percent, which represents.
81.36 percent of the total space.
To view a report showing media that has been removed or
added to the storage system, follow the steps below:
Step 1. Run the
fsmoverpt command to generate a report
that lists the movement of all media.
Use other appropriate options as needed. For
command information, refer to the Command
Reference book.
Step 2. An example of the output is displayed below:
% fsmoverpt
Media Movement Report Tue Dec 15 13:42:12 1998
MediaID MediaType Date/Time Movement Comments
srr001 D2 small Dec 4 08:52:12 reentered
cah005 D2 small Dec 15 13:15:59 added
jdd006 D2 small Dec 15 13:16:09 added
999007 D2 small Dec 15 13:16:18 added
986008 D2 small Dec 15 13:16:29 added
765009 D2 small Dec 15 13:16:42 added