Administrative Tasks
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-39
System Tasks
File Retention
The following list shows parameters that are used by the file
comment keyword search and file expiration processes. To
change a value, modify this file, cycle the user interface, then
retry the command.
CLASS_FILE_CLEANUP P Default file cleanup action (I or P). When
a file is stored, cleanup can occur
immediately (I) after storing the file or at
policy application (P). The value can also
be modified for an existing class by using
the fsmodclass command. If the
sysparm value is not set to I or P,
FileServ defaults to P.
CLASS_MEDIA_CLEANUP S Default media cleanup action (C or S).
When media becomes logically blank,
the media can return to the class blank
media pool (C) or to the system blank
media pool (S). The value can also be
modified for an existing class with the
fsmodclass command.Ifthesysparm
value is not set to C or S, FileServ
defaults to C.
FS_EPSON_LABEL_PRINTER Default printer for printing external media
labels. Specifies the Epson printer that
generates the external top media labels.
To enable, contact technical support.
CLASS_DRIVEPOOL fs_F0drivepool Default drive pool (up to 16 characters).
Usually set to the same value as
Parameter Default Definition