Administrative Tasks
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-13
System Tasks
The table below shows the suggested database maintenance
intervals for each database utility.
Although FileServ must be terminated, the Lock Manager
process must be active, to run the
checkDBALL script. The
script may be run by either user
fsadm or user root.
ADIC recommends that the output of the checkDBALL script
be redirected to a temporary file so that an analysis can be
performed after the script completes it’s execution. This is
accomplished as shown below:
After the script completes it’s execution, the
file should be analyzed for any errors.
Although the terms “Normal Usage” and “Heavy Usage” in the
table header are somewhat subjective and may have different
definitions at different sites, in general, the
script and keyBuildAll script should be run every 100,000
storage, retrieval, modification, creation, and/or deletion of files
within the FileServ controlled DMAPI file systems.
Database Maintenance Script
Heavy Usage
Daily Daily
Monthly Bi-weekly
Monthly Bi-weekly
# $FS_HOME/util/checkDBAll > temp_file_name