2. When you are finished choosing generation options, click Finish.
Learn how to generate a JCA resource adapter.
Generating a JCA resource adapter
You use the wizard to generate adapter classes that correspond to the properties
and options you specify.
The following sections describe the J2EE resource adapter classes.
Outbound JCA resource adapter classes
Generating outbound JCA resource adapter classes creates code for the methods
that must be implemented to produce a JCA resource adapter that can send
business events to an EIS. The list of JCA 1.5 interfaces that are implemented in
your Connector Project when you choose to generate outbound adapter classes is
as follows outbound JCA adapter classes:
v ConnectionFactory implements javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory
v Connection implements javax.resource.cci.Connection
v ConnectionMetaData implements javax.resource.cci.ConnectionMetaData
v ConnectionRequestInfo implements javax.resource.cci.ConnectionRequestInfo
v ConnectionSpec implements javax.resource.cci.ConnectionSpec
v Interaction implements javax.resource.cci.Interaction
v InteractionSpec implements javax.resource.cci.InteractionSpec
v LocalTransaction implements javax.resource.cci.LocalTransaction
WebSphere Adapter development overview 49