
the import. The Adapter Foundation Classes provide an implementation for
ServiceDescription as abstract classes. Discovery service implementations should
extend these classes and implement the abstract methods
Inbound service descriptions
Enterprise metadata discovery service implementations should provide the
following information for an inbound service description.
v Service name - The implementation must provide a default service name, (for
example, PeopleSoftInboundService), but you can specify this property.
v Inbound connection description - This is the connection description for inbound,
typically resource adapter and Activation Spec beans
v Function list - These represent the methods and functions that can be invoked
through the inbound connection. An inbound function description describes the
interface for each of these methods.
v EIS function selector - A function selector is a class provided by the adapter
developer or the integration developer that takes as input the message received
from the adapter and returns the name of the EIS function that the message
represents. This is used by the SCA run time to determine which method to
invoke on the next SCA component. The JCA adapters would use the base class
implementation of FunctionSelector. The default value for this property is the
name of Generic Function selector provided by the Adapter Foundation Classes.
The discovery service can override the default value.
Function selector
The function selector provides a unique name for the EIS function name. Due to
SCA restrictions, method overloading cannot be used in interface definitions.
Accordingly, you cannot have two methods with same name but which accept
different arguments. For most inbound descriptions, the method name and the EIS
function name are identical.
The base class FunctionSelector creates the EIS function name based on whether
the input object is an AfterImage or a Delta. If a delta, then the name returned is
emitDelta_business_object_name; if an AfterImage, then name returned is
See Business object names for more information about naming business objects.
Outbound service descriptions
Discovery service implementations must provide the following information for
outbound service descriptions.
v Service name - The implementation must provide a default service name.
v Outbound connection description - his is the connection description for
outbound, typically resource adapter and Activation Spec beans
v Function list - These represent the methods and functions that can be called by
the client. An Outbound Function Description describes the interface for each of
these methods.
Connection descriptions:
132 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide