These interfaces extend the CCI interfaces defined in the JCA specification to
support invocation of services discovered with enterprise metadata discovery.
These interface implementations are provided by the resource adapter provider
or a third party discovery service provider. These are the data binding interfaces
that are used to integrate with service data objects.
v Discovery
These interfaces constitute the bulk of the contracts defined in this specification.
They define the following contracts:
– Discovery - These interfaces allow the tool to browse EIS metadata.
– Connections - These interfaces allow the tool to discover all the available
connections, create connections, edit connections and persist the connections
for future use.
– Mutable metadata - These interfaces allow the tool to edit the EIS metadata
that is being browsed.
v Service Generation
These interfaces allow the tool to create or edit service descriptions that define
the service a user has selected. These service descriptions are used to generate
service implementations that are deployable in application servers and used as
part of a service oriented architecture. These interfaces also provide support for
editing application-specific information schemas.
These interface implementations are provided by the resource adapter provider
or a third party discovery service provider.
v Metadata edit
This interface allows the EAI tool to edit the configuration of a resource adapter
or a service. This interface implementation is provided by the resource adapter
provider or a third party discovery service provider.
Metadata discovery
This primary interface to the enterprise metadata discovery plug-in holds a
reference to the ToolContext. ToolContext is used for logging and tracing and to
provide information that helps perform discovery.
The discovery service must specify the following for this interface.
1. List of AdapterType - For JCA adapters only one AdapterType comprises this
2. MetadataTree - Represents the object tree structure that would be displayed by
the tool. Each node in the tree is represented by an instance of a
MetadataObject. The nodes can have their own properties. The tool can also
apply filter properties when fetching children for the node.
3. Service Description - Created on request by the user for an inbound or
outbound service. Includes all of the objects selected prior to a request.
Metadata discovery adapter type
Adapter type metadata identify aspects of the adapter that are supported by the
enterprise metadata discovery implementation. The Adapter Foundation Classes
provide an interface for adapter type information.
The Adapter Foundation Classes provide an implementation for this interface:
WBIAdapterTypeImpl. Individual discovery service implementations should use this
base class and not implement their own.
Multiple adapterTypes can be supported by a single enterprise metadata discovery
implementation. A use case might involve a single adapter instance as a channel
WebSphere Adapter development overview 127