
You must provide EIS connection descriptions for the enterprise metadata
discovery service. Adapter Foundation Classes contain interface implementations to
help you get started.
Like ServiceDescription, ConnectionDescription can be either inbound or
outbound service. Adapter Foundation Classes provide implementation for
ConnectionDescription interfaces. Discovery service implementations need not
implement these interfaces.
Inbound Connection Description
The following information must supplied by the discovery service
v ResourceAdapter - This is an instance of the ResourceAdapter JavaBean that will
be used to configure a resource adapter instance.
v ActivationSpecWithXid - This is an ActivationSpecWithXid instance that will be
passed to ResourceAdapter.endpointActivation() at run time to support the
methods defined on the inbound service.
Outbound Connection Description
The following information must supplied by the discovery service implementations
v ResourceAdapter - This is an instance of the ResourceAdapter JavaBean that will
be used to configure a resource adapter instance.
v ManagedConnectionFactory - This is an instance of the ManagedConnectionFactory
JavaBean that will be used to configure an instance of the
ManagedConnectionFactory at run time for creating outbound connections.
Function descriptions:
Function descriptions apply to either inbound or outbound service. The Adapter
Foundation Classes provide implementations for the FunctionDescription
interfaces. Discovery service implementations need not implement these interfaces.
Inbound Function Description
The following information has to be filled in by the discovery service
v Name - e.g. emitDeltaCustomer or emitCreateAfterImageCustomer
v EIS Function Name - the name of the function that would be returned by
function selector. E.g. emitDeltaCustomer or emitCreateAfterImageCustomer.
v Input - input data description representing the object that is input to the method
v Output - output data description representing the object that is returned by the
method. This would be null for JCA adapters as they support only One-way
interaction style.
v MetadataImportConfiguration - Handle to the metadata import configuration or
the object that was selected by the user which lead to creation of this method
See Inbound Operation Signatures in Standard operations for descriptions of the
inbound operation signatures and scenarios for their use.
WebSphere Adapter development overview 133