v WBIMetadataBuild
v WBIFunctionBuilder
v WBIMetadataType (optional)
When you extend WBIMetadataBuild, you will need to implement the following
v FunctionBuilder createFunctionBuilder(String functionSelector)
CreateFunctionBuilder returns your FunctionBuilder instance.
v String[] getConnectionSpecClassName();
getConnectionSpecClassName returns the class name of your J2CA connection
v InteractionSpec getDefaultInteractionSpec();
getDefaultInteractionSpec returns the class name of the J2CA interaction spec
that is most commonly used for your adapter.
v QName[] getAdapterSchemaTypes();
getAdapterSchemaTypes returns any common schemas; for example, schemas that
are used independently of the operation.
v SchemaDefinition[] getSchemasForQName(QName type);
getSchemasForQName returns the SchemaDefinition[s] for any Qnames that you
provide for schemas in the build process.
When you extend WBIFunctionBuilder, you will need to implement the following
v FunctionType[] getFunctionTypes();
This method returns the function type(s) for the selected operation. This is
particularly useful for determining whether this is input/output, the input or
output are the same or different.
v String getDefaultDataBindingClassName();
This method returns the default data binding class for this adapter.
v updateInputDataDescription(DataDescription dataDescription,
FunctionDescription functionDescription);
This method gives your adapter a chance to update the data description for
v String[] getSupportedOperationNames();
This method returns the list of operations that the adapter foundation classes
display to the user. The user can select one of these per added function.
v String[] getRecordInterfaces();
This method returns the record interfaces that your adapter can deal with, for
instance InputStreamRecord.
v InteractionSpec getInteractionSpec(String methodName, QName inputData,
QName outputData)
This method returns a populated the interaction spec, containing the necessary
information about the function to be run. This is used in building the service
If your adapter requires the ability to generate its own types (or wrappers), you
should either extend WBIMetadataType or implement the MetadataType interface
WebSphere Adapter development overview 161