v Is a transaction (and the application) hung, or are transactions failing?
v What is the response time?
v Are service level commitments being met?
v Who uses the application and how many of each transaction are used?
The resource adapters are instrumented with the Application Response
Measurement API, an API that allows adapters to collect and manage transaction
end-to-end response time and volumetric information.
The adapters can participate in IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance,
by allowing collection and review of data concerning transaction metrics.
The resource adapters using ARM define transactions at following three points:
v InboundEventRetrieval:
Will measure response time of retrieving events from the EIS. It measures
response time of the EventManager.getEvents() method.
v InboundEventDelivery:
Will measure response time when resource adapter deliver data to the endpoint,
which conveys changes in or general information from the EIS. It measures the
response time of the EventSender.doSendEvent() method.
v Outbound:
Will measure the response time of outbound processing of a resource adapter. It
measures the response time of the WBIInteraction.execute() method.
An ARM agent, such as Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Response Time
Tracking, can perform response time collection and analysis.
To enable/extend ARM, different brokers need to implement:
armTransactionFactoryName() method found in com.ibm.j2c.monitoring.ARM
AdapterArmTransactionFactory class. This transaction factory creates all objects
that defined in the org.opengroup.arm40.transaction package.
ARM interface
* ArmTransactionFactory provides methods to create instances of the classes in the org.opengroup.arm40.transaction package.
package com.ibm.j2ca.extension.monitoring.ARM;
public interface AdapterARMTransactionFactory {
public String armTransactionFactoryName();
Extending application response measurement (ARM) events using the InteractionMetrics:
The WebSphere container provides InteractionMetrics interface that introduces
the capability for any resource adapter to participate in reporting its usage time in
a request and have that time reported by the various request metrics reporting
tools available for WebSphere.
Tracking interaction metrics
The WebSphere ConnectionEventListener has implemented this class.
WebSphere keeps an EventListener associated with each ManagedConnection to
track the interaction time on a per ManagedConnection basis to gather usage time
188 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide