
Business Object Structures
These are the business objects used by JCA adapters. They describe the structure
and content of arguments to functions on the EIS client interface or the business
objects accessed through the EIS client interface.
Communication Configuration
The communications configuration is represented by a collection of properties also
referred to as PropertyGroup. The properties include properties required for both
inbound and outbound communication. In some cases, there may be more than
one set of properties required. These might be required to describe different types
of outbound connections that for design time and runtime or for inbound
connection configuration.
The discovery service is not limited to accessing metadata from the EIS. If the
metadata is stored in a separate repository, the discovery service can mine the
metadata from there. This allows the discovery service to combine all metadata at
its disposal to provide a meaningful user experience to the tool user.
Service metadata:
Service metadata is generated by the adapter as business objects are imported into
a service description.
Service metadata includes the service name and the adapter and managed
connection factory properties that describe the configuration for an outbound
connection to the EIS (outbound case). For an inbound connection to the EIS
(inbound case), service metadata might include resource adapter and Activation
Specification configuration properties. Service metadata also includes method-level
metadata such as the method name, data description for the input and output, and
either InteractionSpec properties (outbound case) or the EIS function name
(inbound case).
For most cases, service metadata representing outbound and inbound connections
is the same as the EIS metadata for communication configuration. For other cases,
depending on specific implementation, the service metadata might be distinctly
different. For example, the discovery service might find objects from a different
interface, such as a separate repository, or might use a different type of a
connection for discovery.
WebSphere Adapter development overview 125