These interfaces may contain more helper methods than are listed here, please see
the Javadoc for the additional helpers.
Factory classes
Class TypeFactory:
TypeFactory creates an instance of an implementation of Type. The TypeFactory is
also capable of detecting whether SDO version 2, SDO version 1, or neither is
present in the classpath, allowing it to make decisions about what implementation
to use.
v Type getType(Object object)
Gets a Type object from existing metadata.
v Type getType(String namespace, String name)
Gets a Type object from a namespace, name combination. For a JavaBeans
metadata implementation, the namespace is the package and the name is the
class name.
Class SDOFactory:
SDOFactory creates an SDO instance, the implementation of which will depend on
what version of SDO is in the classpath.
v DataObject createDataObject(String namespace, String name)
Creates the data object based on the namespace and name.
v DataObject createDataObject(Type type)
Creates the data object based on an instance of Type
Interface Type:
The interface type allows access to object-level metadata, including properties,
object-level annotations and key properties.
String getName()
Retuns the name of the type.
Iterator getPropertyIterator()
Returns an iterator to allow iteraton over the properties in this type.
List getProperties()
Returns a list of properties for this type.
120 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide