1. In Adapter Name, type the name of the adapter.
2. In Adapter ShortName, type a one- to four-character short name for the
adapter. The short name is used to create the component name that is used in
the log and trace files as follows:
ShortName + the characters “RA” + the value of the adapter ID property, which
the user specifies when configuring the adapter
For example, if you specify the short name BO and the user specifies the
adapter ID of 001, then the component name used in log and trace files is
3. In Package Name, type the package name.
4. In Class Name Prefix, type the prefix to be used in adapter class names. Class
Name displays the resulting fully qualified ResourceAdapter class name.
5. Click Next. This displays the Generation Options window.
You can now specify generation options for your resource adapter.
Specify generation options
Generation options are the types of components for which you can generate
You specify adapter components in the Generation Options dialog.
You must choose which kind of adapter specification you want to implement: an
IBM WebSphere Resource Adapter, or a J2C Resource Adapter. The adapter
specification that you choose determines the generation options available.
Figure 6. J2C Resource Adapter Properties window
34 WebSphere Adapters: WebSphere Adapter Toolkit User Guide