the managed connection factory types that are supported by the adapter. Each
managed connection factory maps to an instance of outbound connection types.
Each enterprise metadata discovery implementation should extend
WBIOutboundConnectionTypeImpl and implement the methods described below.
The constructor takes the adapterType argument, and then sets the ID, and the
description and display names. If the description and display names must be
globalized, they can be retrieved from the resource bundle using
the method WBIMetadataDiscoveryImpl.getString(<prop name>).
public TwineBallOutboundConnectionType(WBIAdapterTypeImpl adapterType)
throws MetadataException {
The createOutboundConnectionConfiguration() method returns an instance of
OutboundConnectionConfiguration. Each enterprise metadata discovery
implementation must extend WBIOutboundConnectionConfugurationImpl and an
instance of that class should be returned in this method.
public OutboundConnectionConfiguration
createOutboundConnectionConfiguration() {
if (conf == null) { //so we can return the same config later
try {
conf = new TwineBallOutboundConnectionConfiguration(this);
} catch (MetadataException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return conf;
WBIInboundConnectionTypeImpl samples:
WBIInboundConnectionTypeImpl represents the inbound connection types
supported by the adapter. The mapping of connection types corresponds to the
activationSpec types that are supported by the adapter. Each activationSpec will
map to an instance of inbound connection types.
Each enterprise metadata discovery implementation should extend
WBIInboundConnectionTypeImpl and implement the methods described below.
The constructor takes the adapterType argument, setting the ID and the description
and display names. You can retrieve the description and display names from the
resource bundle using method
WBIMetadataDiscoveryImpl.getString(<prop name>) (if they must be globalized).
public TwineBallInboundConnectionType(WBIAdapterTypeImpl adapterType)
throws MetadataException {
WebSphere Adapter development overview 143