
Chapter 5. Installing WebSphere Commerce Development Environment 75
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_DEV_installation.fm
14.After the last fix, PQ85469, has been applied, you can click Finish to close
the Update Installation Wizard.
5.4 Installing WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Toolkit
Assuming you have completed the installation steps in the previous sections of
this chapter, you are ready to install the WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Toolkit.
Installing the Toolkit will create the WebSphere Commerce components in
WebSphere Studio Application Developer and create the necessary server
configuration for the test environment.
As mentioned in 5.1, “Development environment overview” on page 68 the
WebSphere Commerce development environment is available with both a
lightweight and full test environment. By default, the lightweight test environment
is configured to use Cloudscape as the test database.
At a later stage, the full test environment will be installed and both test
environments will be configured to use DB2 Universal Database, as this is a
requirement for migrating the development instance and database. This is
documented in 5.6, “Configuring the development environment for DB2” on
page 85.
After finished installation and migration, you can switch between the two
environments as you development needs require.
Before continuing with the installation of the WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Toolkit
you must ensure that the following have been completed:
WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.1 with WebSphere Application
Server V5.0.2 Test Environment is installed on the machine.
WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2 cumulative fix 3 and interim fixes have
been applied to the test environment as described in 5.3.3, “Apply fixes to the
test environment” on page 71.
No applications are running on your system.
Important: Fixes must be installed in the order they are listed and one at a
time because each fix often replace files from the one before it.
If you do not apply these fixes in the correct order, your test environment
may not work properly.