
Chapter 3. Migration Strategy and Planning 41
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_planning.fm
3.2.2 Hardware and software prerequisites
The following sections represent the minimum requirements for hardware and
software involved in the installation and configuration of both production and
development environments.
Production Environment
Before installing WebSphere Commerce ensure your system meets the following
hardware and software prerequisites.
Hardware prerequisites
Intel™ Pentium® III 733 MHz (1 GHz or higher recommended for a production
environment) IBM-compatible personal computer. This machine should not be
running any other applications other than those required by WebSphere
Commerce and the system must have the following:
A minimum of 1 GB of RAM per processor for the first WebSphere
Commerce instance with optional WebSphere Commerce Payments
Each additional WebSphere Commerce instance with optional
WebSphere Commerce Payments instance will require an additional 512
MB of RAM per processor.
Disk space:
A minimum of 2 GB of free disk space on your target installation drive.
Additional 900 MB temporary disk space in the location defined by the
Windows %tmp% environment variable.
If your machine is formatted with FAT partitioning and the partition is over
1.024 GB, you will need twice as much free disk space. If your machine is
formatted with FAT partitioning and the partition is over 2.049 GB, you will
need three times as much free disk space.
The paging file size should be double the size of the RAM. For example,
512 MB RAM should have a 1024 MB paging file.
Important: After installing all the required software you must install
WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Fixpack 1 required for migration. It can be
downloaded from the following URL: