Chapter 5. Installing WebSphere Commerce Development Environment 69
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
The steps detailed in this chapter are provided under the assumption that you
have a fully working WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 test environment in
VisualAge for Java V3.5.3. It is also assumed that you are using DB2 Universal
Database V7.2.5 with a local development database.
5.2.1 VisualAge for Java V4.0 prerequisites
In order to install and configure VisualAge for Java V4.0 for EJB migration, you
will need the following components:
VisualAge for Java V4.0 installation CD
The following fixes from the WebSphere Commerce Studio V5.4 installation
– PQ50159.jar
The WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 repository file, shipped on the
WebSphere Commerce Studio V5.1 installation CD.
5.3 Installing WebSphere Studio Application Developer
This section details the steps that must be taken to install WebSphere Studio
Application Developer V5.1.1. Once this section is completed, you will have a
WebSphere Application Server test environment configured at the correct fixpack
level required to install the WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Toolkit.
5.3.1 Pre-installation steps
The following list describes the steps that are needed to be carried out prior to
the installation of WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.1:
Note: You will need to contact IBM support to obtain these files.
Note: DB2 (or Oracle) is required when migrating from a previous version of
the WebSphere Commerce development environment. If you are starting
development from scratch, you should follow the recommendations in
WebSphere Commerce Developer V5.6 Installation Guide for Windows.