
Chapter 11. Migrating WebSphere Commerce components 225
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_migrating.fm
Please type the new WAS node name: [DEFAULT <hostname>]
In our example, we accepted the default
Please type Payment DataBase password:
In our example, we entered dbuser01pwd
2. Verify the logs located in <Commerce_home>\temp\logs and review in the
following file:
look for the following entry at the end of the file
[<timestamp>] Event: WCIM has completed the job(s) assigned successfully.
3. Update WebSphere Application Server settings following these steps:
a. from the command prompt, change to the <WAS_home>\bin directory and
start the server1 by typing the following command:
startserver server1
b. logon to the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console by
pointing your browser to the following URL:
c. type a User ID and click OK
d. on the left panel, expand Environment and click on Virtual Hosts and
then on VH_PYM_mig_<payment_instance>
In our example
e. in the Additional Properties section click on Host Aliases
f. for each host name listed, click on the <host name> and verify that the port
specified is 5433 and click on OK
g. on the left panel, expand Resources, click on JDBC Providers and then
click on the New button
h. select DB2 Legacy CLI-based Type 2 JDBC Driver from the JDBC
Providers pull-down menu and click OK
i. on the Configuration page specify the classpath for the DB2 java classes
In our example:
j. click on OK
k. click on the DB2 Legacy CLI-based Type 2 JDBC Driver link, scroll down
and then click on Data Sources (Version 4)