
Chapter 8. Post-migration steps 151
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_DEV_post_migration.fm
Where x.y.z denotes the subsection number in the EJB 1.1 specification in
which the use of java.rmi.RemoteException deprecation for the relevant method
is mentioned. For ejbCreate and ejbPostCreate this will be 9.2.3 and 9.2.4,
Other methods, such as ejbLoad, violating this requirement will result in the
following error in the Tasks panel:
Exception RemoteException is not compatible with throws clause in
Where <methodName> is the name of the violating method. This is caused by the
fact that EJBs created for use with WebSphere Commerce should extend from
the ECEntityBean class. This class already defines some of the EJB methods
without the java.rmi.RemoteException in the throws clause. If the extending
class then declares the java.rmi.RemoteException in its throws clause, it
broadens the signature of the method, which is not allowed in Java.
Match ejbPostCreate and ejbCreate methods
Both EJB 1.0 and 1.1 specifications require that each ejbCreate method has a
matching ejbPostCreate method. However, VisualAge for Java V3.5.3 did not
enforce this requirement. After importing your EJBs into WebSphere Studio
Application Developer V5.1.1, you must ensure that this requirement is fulfilled
for all of your entity beans.
If an ejbCreate method exists without a matching ejbPostCreate method,
WebSphere Studio Application Developer V5.1.1 will show the following warning
for the ejbCreate method in the Tasks panel:
CHKJ2002W: This class should implement a matching ejbPostCreate method for
this method (EJB 1.1: 9.2.4)
Remove FinderHelper interface
The FinderHelper interface was used in VisualAge for Java V3.5.3 to ease the
generation of finder methods for entity beans. In order to generate code to find
an object, or a list of objects from an SQL WHERE clause, it was sufficient to add a
constant to the FinderHelper interface and a method to the home interface and
generate the access bean and deployed code.
For example, to generate a finder method that returns a java.util.Enumeration
of the objects for which the VALUE column, assumed to be of type INTEGER, has a
value greater than the one supplied as a parameter to the finder, the following
field would be added to the FinderHelper interface:
public static final String findGreaterThanWhereClause = “T1.VALUE > ?”;
And the following method would be added to the home interface: