Chapter 11. Migrating WebSphere Commerce components 209
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
Table 11-1 details the mandatory parameters and values for the database
migration script.
Table 11-1 Mandatory migration script parameters
In our example:
migratedb -dbtype db2 -dbname mall -dbuser dbusr01 -dbpass dbusr01pwd -from
51 -instance demo -precheck
The script will run and report any errors found and it will not make any changes to
the database. Correction of the errors (depending on the code number) will either
be mandatory or optional. The codes and their explanation can be found in the
WebSphere Commerce V5.6 migration guides.
The log file generated by the migration script is found here:
Note: For migratedb.bat script to succeed the following rules must be
1. migratedb.bat must be executed from a DB2 command window (db2cmd)
2. All the connections to the database must be terminated prior to and during
the script execution. Prior to running this script all connections can be
closed by issuing the following command:
db2 force application all
Parameter name Parameter value
dbtype The database type:
‘db2’ for DB2
‘oracle’ for Oracle
‘os400’ for DB2/400 database on the iSeries platform
‘db2j’ for Cloudscape database
‘os390’ for DB2 for z/OS database.
dbname The database name
dbuser The database user
dbpass The password for the database user
from The version number migrating from:
‘51’ for WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 database
instance The WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 instance name