Chapter 8. Post-migration steps 153
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_DEV_post_migration.fm
If your WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 solution contains code that uses
connectors, you must rewrite this code to use the J2EE Connector Architecture.
For more information about the J2EE Connector Architecture, see:
8.2.8 Pricing
Some of the APIs for calculating and retrieving prices have changed from
WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1.
New task commands
Table 8-3 shows the three task commands, related to price calculations, that
have changed since WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1. The three task
commands were introduced in WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.4.
Table 8-3 Changed price task commands
New data bean methods
In WebSphere Commerce V5.6, the following data beans were modified,
replacing the method getCalculatedPrice with the method
The old data bean methods and task commands are still available in WebSphere
Commerce V5.6, but is we recommend that any code depending on these
methods and commands be migrated to use the new methods and commands.
Note: This does not apply to code that uses the WebSphere Commerce Suite
V5.1 messaging subsystem, as this subsystem abstracts the specifics about
the implementation connector architecture.
WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 WebSphere Commerce V5.6
GetBaseUnitPriceCmd GetContractUnitPriceCmd
GetBaseSpecialPriceCmd GetContractSpecialPriceCmd
GetProductBaseUnitPriceCmd GetProductContractUnitPriceCmd