
6320ax02.fm Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
262 Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide
2. DB user id
3. DB password
4. Log directory
5. Instance name
The script has the following behavior:
1. Set parameters as local variables
2. Call updateDB2Configuration.bat to update the database attributes
3. Update the database attribute logfilesize to 30000
4. Stop and start DB2 for changes to take effect
5. Connect to database
6. Execute pre.migration.sql file, refer to, “Database preparation SQL script”
on page 263 for more details
7. Close connection
The content of the pre.migration.bat file:
Example: C-2 Content of the pre.migration.bat file
@echo off
set database=%1
set user=%2
set passwd=%3
set logdir=%4
set instance=%5
set logfile=%logdir%\pre.migration.log
echo Update DB2 attributes
call %WCS_HOME%\bin\updateDB2Configuration.bat %database% %logdir%\updatedb2configuration.log
db2 update db configuration for %database% using logfilsiz 30000
echo Stop and restart DB2.
echo Connect to database
db2 connect to %database% user %user% using %passwd%
echo Call pre migration script