
Chapter 9. Installing WebSphere Commerce V5.6 167
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_install_56.fm
IBM DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition
10.The database and Web server selection window appears. Since we elected to
install IBM DB2 and IBM HTTP Server in the previous window, it is not
possible to modify the drop-down boxes. Click Next.
11.The destination paths window appears. Enter the desired destination paths
for the components being installed and click Next.
We used the following values:
IBM DB2 Universal Database: D:\WebSphere\SQLLIB.
IBM HTTP Server: D:\WebSphere\HTTPServer.
IBM WebSphere Application Server: D:\WebSphere\AppServer.
IBM WebSphere Commerce Server: D:\WebSphere\CommerceServer.
12.You are prompted to enter the user ID and password for the administrative
user. Enter the user ID and password for the current Windows user and click
13.A confirmation message is shown, acknowledging that the user entered has
the desired user privileges. Click OK.
14.The WebSphere Commerce Information Center language selection window
appears. Select any additional languages that you may want and click Next.
15.The installation options confirmation window appears. Check the information
and click Next.
16.Insert the IBM DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Fixpack 5 CD when the
Installation Wizard prompts for it and click Next.
17.Insert the IBM WebSphere Application Server V5.0 CD when the Installation
Wizard prompts for it and click Next.
18.Insert the IBM WebSphere Application Server Fixpack CD when the
Installation Wizard prompts for it and click Next.
Note: The two remaining components, Remote WebSphere Commerce
Configuration Manager client and WebSphere Application Server Web
server plug-in, should not be selected as this is included in the already
selected components.