
Chapter 8. Post-migration steps 141
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_DEV_post_migration.fm
This method has been made obsolete by the introduction of the getCurrency
method in the CalculationCmd interface, which is the ancestor interface to
ApplyCalculationUsageCmd and ApplyShippingCmd interfaces.
public void setOrderItems(...)
This method existed in two overloaded versions, taking either an array or a
java.util.Enumeration of OrderItemAccessBean instances.
The use of this method has been replaced by the use of the setItems and
getItems methods. Refer to “WebSphere Commerce V5.6 command
interfaces” on page 139 for details.
public void setTaxCategoryIds(Integer[])
This method, which was not present in the ApplyOrderAdjustmentsCmd
interface, is unchanged from WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 to
WebSphere Commerce V5.6.
Accessing the order items
In WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1, the order items was accessed directly
through the OrderItem EJB’s access bean,
com.ibm.commerce.order.objects.OrderItemAccessBean. In WebSphere
Commerce V5.6 an envelope class,
com.ibm.commerce.order.calculation.Item, has been introduced. Code that
accesses the OrderItemAccessBean directly should be converted to use the Item
class instead, if possible.
Table 8-2 outlines the changes that should be made. The first column list the
WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 code that have corresponding WebSphere
Commerce V5.6 code, accessing the Item class instead. If access to the
OrderItemAccessBean class cannot be avoided, Item has an accessor method to
retrieve a reference to the underlying OrderItemAccessBean, as shown in the
first row of Table 8-2.