3. XDS Control Center
Image 3-91
Adjust the image
4. Select the signal type from the Signal Type drop-down list
5. Adjust c ontrols such as brightness, color, contrast, tint, and sharpness
6. Click Show Advanced to expand the dialog
Image 3-92
Advanced image controls
7. You can adjust for noise reduction and gam ma
8. Select the Color Temperature from the drop-down list. The available options are projector white, computer, video, film, and
disabled (to disable the opt
9. Click Hide Advan ced to hide the advanced image controls
10.C lick OK for changes to take effect
Note: Inactive controls are grayed out. In this case (for a data signal), color, tint and sharpness are grayed out
3.7.12 Adjusting the image file
How to use image file controls?
An image file contains the main characteristics of a source, for example, number of active lines. T he system m em ory contains a
list of files corresponding t
o the most comm on sources (standard files). W he n a new source corresponds with none of these files,
acustomfile is created. The file is automatically saved as a custom file. The image file controls function enables you to adapt and
save a custom file.
1. Right-click inside the viewer window to open the context menu