3. XDS Control Center
How to launch a source from XDS CC GUI (expert view)?
1. From the XDS Control Cen ter sources dock widget, double-click the source
Image 3-62
XDS CC GUI: launching a source from expert view
Note: The name of the launched source in the so urces dock widget is grayed out and its icon has a green background to show
a visual difference.
3.6.3 Launching a source from START menu
How to launch a source from Start menu?
1. Click Start menu
2. Click My Sources
Image 3-63
Select a source from START menu
3. Select a source from the drop-down list
3.6.4 Launching a locked source
A source c an sometimes appear with a lock s
ymbol. When you try to launch the locked source you will be prompted to enter your
credentials to view the source. This happens when the source is a remote source and the XDS Desktop Sharing client/remote
user has en abled user authentication during installation, or if the source is a RGB or DVI source, running XDS Remote Mouse and
Keyboard software with authent
ication enabled.
For XDS Remote Mouse and Keyboard client software, you need to set the option to enable user authentication during installation.
See image displayed below for reference.