4. Administering the XDS Control Center
The Layout Manager dialog opens.
Image 4-10
Layout Manager dialog
3. Select the layout you want to expose, and right-click on it to open the context m enu
4. Click Expose layout (Read-only)
Image 4-11
Expose layout from Layout Manager Reusing a public layout
How to reuse a public layout?
When a layout is made public you have the option to reuse that particular layout in another presentation. The exception is, when
you reuse you can m odify the layout. F ollow the steps below to reuse a public layout.
1. In the XDS Control Center, open the Tools m enu
2. Click Layout Manager
3. From the Layout Manager dialog , click on the public layout and press CTRL
4. Keeping the CTRL key pressed drag and drop the public layout to another presentation, which cre ates a copy of the public layout
This cop ied layout will be an unlocked layout and you can m odify it. The copy is unlocked only when you are using an XDS
version higher than