7. XDS Desktop Sharing client
• Introduction
• Starting the XDS Desktop Sharing client
• Connecting to XDS display(s)
• Setting security authentication
• Sharing your desktop on display
• Stop sharing your desktop on display
• Using the workspace
• Connecting to displays in a different subnet
• Using Auto connect and Auto share
• Sharing Windows Media Player image
7.1 Introduction
Using XDS Desktop Sharing
The X DS Desktop S haring software is a client software. See "Introducing client software", page 8.
To start using XDS Desktop Sh aring, you need to install the XDS Desktop Sharing client software on your system. Using this soft-
ware, you can connect to single or m ultiple XDS displays within a IP subnet or even from a different IP subnet, enable authentication
for remote users before they launc h your desktop on the XDS display wall, and automate
the connection establishment and sharing
of your source to an XDS display.
For installing XDS Desktop Sharing client software, s ee "Installing X DS Desktop S haring client", page 128.
7.2 Starting the XDS Desktop Sharing client
How to start the XDS Desktop Sharing client?
1. Click Start menu
2. Go to All Programs
3. Go to Barco X DS Control Software
4. Click XDS Desktop S haring
The Connections dialog will automatically popup. This dialog show
s the currently r unning displays in the local IP subnetwork.
See the image displayed below.
Image 7-1
Connections dialog
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