
9. XDS Remote Keyboard Mouse Control
7. On the Enter Target Location Name page, in the text box, type the Location noted from the XDS Control Center
8. Check Enable User Authentication as per requirement
Enabling User A uthentication ensures that users mus t authenticate themselves when trying to access this remote system, on
which Rem ote Keyboard Mouse C ontrol software is installed. For sources that everyone can see and control, this option s hould
be switched off.
9. Click Finish to end the installation
10.R eboot the remote system
9.2 Conguring the XDS system
On the desktop generating PC (PC that generates the deskt op on the Wall), make sure XD S so ftware is run ning.
From the XDS Conguration tool, you can congure the XDS system for using the Remote Keyboard/Mouse functionality. The
following procedure will guide you through the conguration.
9.2.1 Conguring the XDS conguration tool
You do not have to stop the XDS software for conguring the XDS system.
How to congure the XDS conguration tool?
1. Go to follow ing path: C:\Program Files\Barco\XDS\bin
2. Run ICSystemCongurationTool.exe
The Authenticate dialog opens.
Image 9-7
Authenticate dialog
3. Enter the password and click OK
The XDS Conguration Tool d ialog opens.
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