3. XDS Control Center
You will fi nd that the image is stretched to its maximum with no regard to aspect ratio. For example, see image below. Compare
it w ith image 3-75. W he n you zoom, the aspect ratio will no longer be preserved in this case of the other. You can scale in one
direction independent of the other.
Image 3-78
Context menu: Displaying the viewer with full screen
option selected and aspect ratio unlocked
How to revert to normal view?
To return to normal view from full screen mode:
1. Right-click on the screen to open the context menu
2. De-select Full Screen option
Image 3-79
Context menu: De-select Full Screen option
3.7.3 Moving a window of which the top bar is off-screen
How to move the window of which the top ba r is off-screen?
1. If the top-bar of the viewer w indow is out of the visible area, then place your mouse pointer on the visible area of the viewer
2. Press CTRL button on your keyboard and move your mouse simultaneously to move the window. See label 1.