9. XDS Remote Keyboard Mouse Control
Image 9-10
Selecting Device Ser ver
Verify if the Rem ote Pointer Installation has started a Device Ser ver on the Remote PC. On the remote PC , open the Windows
Task M anager, under Processes tab, look for ICDeviceServer.exe.
If so, then on your desktop generating PC, you will b e able to find the remote Device Server in the Device Server combo-box.
7. Select this Device Server in the comb o-box
Note: The text within bra ckets parentheses after HP_IG_1 is a syst
em generated identifier.
Note: For Dual Channel PC setup, the PC should be set to Horizontal Spanning mode and both the sources should be paired
Image 9-11
Dual Channel PC setup
8. Click Set Remote Server
Now the selected Remote Server (selected in the Combo-box) will be paired with the selected Source (in the Source List) as its
remote Device Server. T he XDS System has been config ured.
9. Disconnect from the local host XDS Server
Note: Please make sure to pair the correct Source and its Device Server. If configured incorrectly, the Remote Keyboard/Mouse
functionality will not work!
10.C lose the XDS Configuration Tool dialog
9.3 Enabling Remote Keyboard/Mouse control
How to enable remote keyboard/mouse control?
After configuring the XDS system, when you start the XDS Control Center, the remote source icon will appear in the sources widget.
1. From your desktop, start the X DS Control Center and launch the remote source. In this case it is RGB(in1)