8. XDS Remote Control Center
Image 8-5
XDS Remote Control Center: m enu bar
• XD S: enables y ou to open a Startup Configuration dialog; disconnect the connection to the XDS display; download an XDS
display configuration; set privacy options; and exit the application
• View: enables you to show/hide toolbars; and hide and show different windows such as, Layouts, Sources, Feedback, and
Status Bar
• Tools: enables you to save a layout; save a layout with advanced options; manage layouts using the layout manager; save the
current state of the XDS Control Center display; and modify the GUI settings of the XDS Control Center
• Help: enables you to display the XDS version, module version and Built date; and open the tool tip
8.2.2 Selecting different views from Menu bar
How to select different views from the menu bar?
1. Open View menu
2. Select Toolbars
Image 8-6
Select different views
3. Click the appropriate view to select/deselect to show/hide the views
8.2.3 XDS Remote Control Center GUI: Toolbar
The tool bar is a user friendly tool with on-screen buttons and menus to get direct access to main features. The XDS remote control
center G UI toolbar is displayed below with the appropriate functions labeled on it.
Image 8-7
XDS remote control center: Toolbar
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