5. XDS Remote Administration Center
Image 5-14
Switch On Display
2. Click Switch On Display
Aconfirmation mes sage will appear, click Yes to confirm. The projector of the selected display(s) will be switched on.
Rebooting Display Server
1. On the middle pane, from the Display s ection, select the desired display
2. Click Reboot Display Server
Image 5-15
Reboot Display server
Aconfirmation message will appear, click Yes to con fi rm . If XDS session is open on the selected XDS Display(s), a confirmation
message will appea r on the display as king the c onsent of the session owner.
Image 5-16
Confirmation dialog
The display will be rebooted if session owner agrees, or within 60 seconds when no response is received from the selected
meeting room.
Closing the XDS session
1. On the middle pane, from the Dis
play, s elect the desired display
2. Click Close XDS session