
Note This procedure requires the use of parted utility version 1.8.6 or later. Do not use earlier
versions of parted.
Note – These steps require superuser (su - root) access.
a. If Linux hasautomounted the device, unmount itrst.
# umount /dev/sdX1
Where X is the drive letter for the USB ash drive (for example, /dev/sda or /dev/sdb), and
1 indicates the rst partition.
b. Use parted to deleteall partitionsand create anew bootable FAT32partition:
# /sbin/parted /dev/sdX
Where X is the drive letter for the USB ash drive (for example, /dev/sda or /dev/sdb).
The parted command prompt displays.
c. Enter the followingcommands in the orderlisted and followthe prompts to createyour
bootable primary partition:
(parted): mklabel
You will be prompted to create a disk label type. If msdos is not listed as the default, you
will need to enter msdos at the appropriate prompt, as shown in the example below:
Warning: The existing label on sdx will be destroyed and all
data on this disk will be lost. Do you want to continue?
Yes/No: yes
New disk label type? msdos
(parted): mkpartfs
Creates a new partition on the disk. Answer the prompts to conrm that this will be the
primary partition, fat32 format, spanning the entire disk minus the last megabyte
(starting at 1, and ending at -1). Example output is shown below:
Partition type? primary/extended? primary
File system type? [ext2] fat32
Start? 1
End? -1
(parted): set 1 boot on
Sets the boot ag for this partition.
(parted): set 1 lba on
Sets the lba (Linear Block Addressing) ag for this partition.