Copythe vmlinuz (the bootable Linux kernel) andinitrd (initial ram disk) lesfrom the SIA
CD/DVD to thesuninstall subdirectorythat you created.
Use the correct path to the mounted CD image. This example uses /mnt/cdrom:
# cp /mnt/cdrom/boot/isolinux/vmlinuz /home/pxeboot/suninstall
# cp /mnt/cdrom/boot/isolinux/initrd.img /home/pxeboot/suninstall
Use aneditor to add thefollowing SIA referencesto the pxelinux.cfg/default le thatis
stored inthe /home/pxeboot directory.
default suninstall
label suninstall
kernel suninstall/vmlinuz
append initrd=suninstall/initrd.img vga=0x314 ramdisk_size=900000 root=/dev/ram netboot
Type the append command line from append initrd= to netboot as one continuous string
with no returns.
Save thele, and then unmountand removethe SIA CD/DVD fromthe CD/DVD drive.
You image is now ready to be booted from.
How to Boot SIA From a PXE Server for an Attended Installation
The following procedure explains the initial steps you must perform to boot SIA from a PXE
Linux-based server. After SIA boots, you perform your installation tasks interactively using the
graphical user interface (GUI).
Ensure that the target Sun server iscongured on the samenetwork as the PXE server, and then
reset theSun server. Forexample:
From the service processor (Lights Out Manager) Remote Console web interface, click
Remote Control->Remote Power Control then select Reset to reset the host server.
Press the Power button on the front panel of the server to turn it o (hold the button in until
the server powers o), then press the Power button to turn on the server.
The BIOS screen appears. An example is shown below (your server’s BIOS screen might look
PerforminganSIA PXE-BasedAttendedInstallation
SunInstallation Assistant2.2User'sGuide fortheSun FireX4640Server • October2009, Rev.A40